Rachel Michelson

I am a Mom, Shaman, Hard Worker, I am not Limited.

Rachel responds:

If you were to complete the statement “I am not” how would you complete this statement and what is important to you for others to know. 

I am not limited. What I can and can’t do is limited to my beliefs. And the more I unpack my belief systems, the more open I am to life and experiences big and small, simple and complex. 

If you were to complete the statement “I am” how would you complete this statement and what is important for others to know about you?

I am a Mom, Shaman, Hard Worker. I often find that people see me one way and they want me to fit into a box, most often I am not any of the qualities that others have decided for me. They are often affronted when they can see that the truth is not what they decided before they allowed for the full scope of me.