Crystal Nguyen
Crystal responds:
What is something people might not know about your when they first meet you?
A lot of people expect me to speak Vietnamese since I have a common Vietnamese last
name, however I can only understand about 30% of the language. I also enjoy listening to
true crime podcasts when I’m driving, despite my fear of becoming a victim of these
crimes. I believe it is important to be well informed on current events, as well as crime
rates to protect yourself and your loved ones.
What made you select this particular article?
I selected this article because it is relatively close to where I live, and it felt more
personal since the victim was Asian. I also wanted to shed light on this event because I
feel a lot of people don’t know about it, so I believe it showcases how Asian hate crimes
have spiked since the pandemic
What might be missing from the story that would be important for readers to know?
I think the article should focus more on the perpetrators and their motives. It would be
informative if we knew whether the victim was targeted or if he was a victim of
opportunity. I think it would also help to know how the perpetrators could commit such a
heinous act at a young age, and how they could commit this crime, especially being part
of a minority group as well.
Share a little bit about your empathy towards the victim or victims family.
victim for attending a prestigious school in California and felt a sense of security that he
would be in a culturally diverse area. No one expects to become a victim of such a
senseless act, and I cannot imagine the grief his family is experiencing. I also feel great
empathy for the victim because he was simply minding his own business and walking
home after a study session. I also admire his strength for going home after the attack, but
then I feel sadness that he passed unknowingly. He probably wanted to get some rest so
he could feel better in the morning, however he unfortunately passed due to his injuries.