Jessica Ogihara

I am easygoing, I am not sure

Jessica responds:

What are some challenges that you feel students of color might face at CSUF?

Challenges that students of color at Fullerton may face are biases and stereotypes against you.

 If you were to complete the statement “I am not” how would you complete this statement and what is important to you for others to know. 

I am not sure. I am not sure how people can assume such things about others without knowing them as a person. like the dangers of a single story, we cannot just assume that you’re life is like x just because your background is x.

If you were to complete the statement “I am” how would you complete this statement and what is important for others to know about you?

I am easygoing. Most negatives events that have happened in my life I was able to just be calm about it and just let it roll out.

In your work as Undergraduate Course Assistants, as you’ve reviewed the students work what things you learned from either the research, the narratives or the illustrations? What are you inspired to do as a result?

What I have learned from this project was that many incidents regarding hate have gone unnoticed by the mass media. Sure we may find articles about it, but it is not televised or made aware to where the public knows about it.