Sheila Macedo

Headshot of Sheila

Research – Anaheim

Sheila responds:

What is something people might not know about your when they first meet you?

I’m a Virgo and many people would think we are actually judgmental and mean given that I have an unintentionally serious resting face. But I am quite shy and reserved especially when I am in new environments and professional settings.

What made you select this particular article?

I participated in my first protest in 2020 after the homicide of George Floyd. I was walking around the city with the crowd, and we were met with the police cutting off our path on a big street. I remember feeling a little bit of fear over what could happen. Thankfully it was peaceful, but I thought back to the 2012 protests that happened in response to the back-to-back murders of two young Latino men in Anaheim. All I could remember was everyone being advised to avoid the streets near city hall because it was chaos. Selecting this article allowed me to learn about what really went on during those times.

What might be missing from the story that would be important for readers to know?

In 2017 the ACLU of Southern California released a report on the Anaheim Police Department’s use of force. Based on FBI data, they concluded that Anaheim PD was the 9th deadliest police force among the 60 largest U.S. cities

Share a little bit about your empathy towards the victim or victims family.

I think as minorities we have every single right to not trust police forces. Modern-day policing traces back to the 1700s when a patrol was established to catch runaway slaves. This institution was made to and has always oppressed people of color. Manuel Diaz’s niece said he was always apprehensive about police officers because all they ever do is harass people. The stereotype that Mexicans and Latinos are criminals is racist. Seeing a young man’s choice of clothes and automatically assuming that they are “gangbangers” is dangerous. Excessive force especially when the victim is unarmed can never be justified. Dismissing a family’s request for answers is not fair. Despite whatever a victim had going on, they are somebody’s son, they’re a family member, members of a community, and they are human beings. I think it’s necessary to humanize victims.